
скачать моды для игры Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War Soulstorm img-1

скачать моды для игры Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War Soulstorm

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Скачать моды для игры warhammer 40000 dawn of war soulstorm

Dawn of War: Warhammer 40,000 (2010) PC | Mod

Модификация игры. Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War Soulstorm
Дата выхода игры. 4 марта 2008
Дата выхода модификации. август-сентябрь 2010
Жанр. Mode / Strategy (Real-time) / 3D
Разработчик игры. Iron Lore Entertainment
Издатель игры. THQ / Buka Entertainment
Автор модификации. TheOne
Язык интерфейса. Русский
Язык озвучки. Английский
Тип издания. Mods
Версия модификации. 0.96, без кампании от 20.11.11
Таблетка. Не требуется

Системные требования :
операционная система
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Seven
минимальная конфигурация
CPU 2 GHz, RAM 512 Mb, VRAM 64 Mb, DirectX 9.0c, HDD 9 Gb
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

Описание :
Данный мод представляет из себя полноценную игру - стабильную, отлаженную и вбирающую в себя все известные модификации. Он предназначен для тех кто хочет играть игру, а не смотреть на очередную недоделанную вариацию улучшения существующих юнитов или добавления одной расы.
В этот мод включается и дорабатывается все самое лучшее и приводится в соответствие с одной общей концепцией, а не отдельными предствалениями не связанных между собою модов, делающими их совершенно несовместимыми между собой.

Установка и запуск

7.3 из 10 (4 голосов, самая низкая оценка - 2, самая высокая - 10)

10-06-2014 14:19:44 (16 минут назад)

20-11-2011 15:16:52 (31 месяц назад)

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War - Anthology (2005-2010) PC | RePack от R.G. Механики

Warhammer: 40.000 Dawn Of War 2 + Chaos Rising (2010) PC | Steam-Rip от R.G. GameWorks

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War – Dark Crusade (2006) PC | Лицензия

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. Dilogy (2010-2011) PC | RePack от Noz

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. Dilogy (2010-2011) PC | RePack от R.G. Catalyst

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution (2011) PC | RePack от Fenixx

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution (2011) PC | Rip от R.G. Element Arts

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution (2011) PC | RePack от Audioslave

Происходит загрузка списка файлов.

19-05-2017 17:48:30 (1 час назад)

Огромное спасибо за мод! Он просто отличный, респект!

02-02-2013 18:22:25 (52 месяца назад)

"у Сестер Битвы две подрасы - Серые Рыцари и Арбитры" - Серые рыцари это орден Космодесанта на службе Ордо Малеус, а Сёстры битвы это просто войска из баб на службе церкви и Ордо Еретикус. Арбитры это просто полиция. за старания 6, за знание вселенной Warhammer 2

Другие статьи

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War Ultimate Apocalypse - The Hunt Begins RePack RUS

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War Ultimate Apocalypse - The Hunt Begins
Год выпуска. 2016
Жанр. RTS
Разработчик. Ultimate Apocalypse Mod Team
Издатель. THQ, Inc.
Платформа. PC
Версия. 1.86.3
Тип издания. RePack
Язык интерфейса. русский + английский
Язык озвучки. русский + английский
Таблэтка. Присутствует
Системные требования :
Операционная система: Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 2 ГГц или аналогичный AMD Athlon XP
Оперативная память: 512МБ
Видео: DirectX® 9.0c-совместимая видеокарта с объемом видеопамяти 64 МБ и поддержкой аппаратного T&L
Свободное место на диске: 16,3 ГБ
Звук: DirectX® 9.0c-совместимая звуковая карта
Дополнительное ПО: DirectX® 9.0с
Описание :
Команда Ultimate Apocalypse Mod c гордостью представляет Dawn of War: Soulstorm который так долго ждали игроки и фанаты, с массой эпичного игрового контента в моде: Ultimate Apocalypse. Представьте себе мод с участием массовых боев во вселенной Warhammer: 40000, где все 9 (и даже более!) игровых рас Dawn of War: Soulstorm Имеют шанс на эпичную победу. Ultimate Apocalypse не имеет недостатков, в моде вы увидите новые юниты, здания, способности, и даже Титанов! Эта мод который в котором нет ограничений. Все вместе эта - Грандиозная Война.
Хотите сбросить атомную бомбу своих врагов? Пожалуйста. Хотите эпичную битву Титанов? Ultimate Apocalypse Mod позаботился и об этом. Не только это, UA Mod постоянно тестируется и дорабатывается, чтобы гарантировать эпическую войну.
Доп. информация :
- 9 рас + 3 новые (Chaos Daemons, Inqusition, Tyranids);
- Новые юниты, техника, здания;
- Новая настройка игры (триггеров).

Особенности RePack'a

- Полноценная игра с установленным mod'ом;
- 762 карты;
- наличие активатора рас для сетевой игры;
- наличие exe файла для компьютеров с оперативной памятью в 4 и выше гигабайт.
- Время установки: 20-30 минут

Порядок установки

- В авторане выбрать Install;
- Следовать инструкциям инсталлятора;
- Дождаться конца установки и завершить.
- Для тех, у кого 4 или свыше гигов оперативной памяти из папки Fix скинуть в папку с игрой файл Soulstorm.exe

Удаление игры

- В папке с игрой запустить unins000.exe
- Следовать инструкции и дождаться удаления

Активация рас для сетевой игры

- Выбрать fix - откроется папка
- файл DoW_SS_fix_tor2.exe скинуть в папку с игрой и запустить
- Указать путь папки игры
- вбить серийные номера из файл serial numbers
- Нажать "Пофиксить"

Перевод всех настроек игры (триггеров)

+ Apocalypse Rules — настройка по-умолчанию, отрубить в моде её нельзя, она активирует скрипты мода и добавляет тактики для ИИ, разработанные в рамках мода.
+ Addon: Rich Resources — Добавить всем игрокам х10 ресурсов в начале игры. Внимание, это может сделать ИИ чрезвычайно агрессивным и «сумасшедшим». Используйте с осторожностью.
+ Addon: Resource Rate — Добавить всем игрокам прирост ресурсов х2 (т.е. увеличить в два раза скорость их добычи). Опять же — компьютер может стать очень агрессивным. Использовать с осторожностью.
+ Addon: AI Dummies — Отключить ИИ, он не развивается. Эту настройку используют обычно моддеры или тестеры.
+ Addon: Army Cap / 2. / 3, / 2 (AI), / 3 (AI), +10, +20, +40, +100, +200 — это изменение лимита максимального «населения». Т.е. /2 сокращает, например, вдвое. 30 — это значение по умолчанию. Эти настройки могут быть сложены, т.е. допустим если вы сделали настройку /2, и /3, т всего сокращение будет 30/2/3. На высоких добавлениях (+40, 100, 200) будьте осторожны — такое количество юнитов может вызвать лаги даже у мощного компа.
+ Addon: Automatic Reinforce — автоматическое пополнение потерянных солдат у всех сквадов (отрядов) в игре. Не работает в сетевой игре. Может вызывать ошибки при сохранении и последующей загрузке игры.
+ Addon: Crazy Insane — всё будет производиться мгновенно (структуры, исследования, отряды).
+ Addon: Fortress Defence — У всех стен, туррелей и заграждений для танков в два раза увеличены очки структуры (жизни).
+ Addon: Hardcore — у всех юнитов понижена мораль и здоровье. Плохо сочетается с настройкой «Softcore», которая наоборот, увеличивает мораль и здоровье всех юнитов.
+ Addon: Nuclear War — все структуры Супероружия будут производить ракеты, удары, варп-штормы и прочее в два раза быстрее (5 минут вместо 10).
+ Addon: Sandbox — режим «песочницы» — отключение ИИ и плюс дает возможность порулить компьютерными игроками и переключаться между ними.
+ Addon: Builders — на старте игрокам дается строительный юнит. По умолчанию — нет.
+ Addon: Elites — на старте игрокам дается несколько отрядов элитных юнитов.
+ Addon: Big SP — на старте игрокам добавится несколько отрядов, которые могут захватывать стратегические точки.
+ Addon: Smal — на старте игрокам добавится пару различных отрядов (в т.ч. те, которые захватывают стратегические точки)
+ Addon: Titans — на старте у игроков будет Титан.
+ Addon: Transports — на старте игрокам добавится несколько транспортных машин (или анти-танковых, если будете играть за Тиранидов и Некронов).
+ Addon: Tips and Tricks — Лорд Сурранил научит вас новинкам и особенностям Ultimate Apocalypse (на английском языке, естественно).
+ Addon: Titan Wars — увеличивает максимальное количество Реликтового ресурса на 100% (1000 по умолчанию). Уменьшает стоимость популяции Орков, нужной для постройки Орочих Титанов вдвое.
+ Addon: Titan Wars Extreme — увеличивает максимум Реликтового ресурса на 1000% (1000 по умолчанию). Уменьшает стоимость популяции Орков для постройки Титанов на 100%.
+ Addon: Uber Commanders — на 200% увеличивает мораль и здоровье героев-командиров. Стоимость таких командиров удвоена.
+ Addon: Uber Structures — прочность всех зданий повышена на 200%.
+ Addon: Uber Relic Units — здоровье и мораль Реликтовых юнитов выросла на 200%. Стоимость постройки и время — удвоено.
+ Addon: Extremecore — доровье и мораль юнитов уменьшены еще больше, чем на Hardcore. Плохо сочетается с триггерами Hardcore и Softcore.
+ Addon: Softcore — здоровье и мораль юнитов увеличены. Плохо сочетается с Hardcore.
+ Addon: Turtle Speed — скорость постройки всего уменьшена в 1,5 раз.
+ Addon: Small Speed — скорость постройки всего уменьшена в 2 раза.
+ Addon: Rabbit Speed — скорость постройки всего изменена на х0,5.
+ Winlose: Annihilate — уничтожьте все здания противника и его строителей для победы.
+ Winlose: Assasinate — убейте вражеского командира прежде чем убьют вашего для победы.
+ Auto Abilites — все отряды автоматически будут использовать свои умения.
+ Winlose: Control Area — захватите и удерживайте более 66% Стратегических локаций для победы.
+ Winlose: Destroy HQ — уничтожьте штаб противника для победы.
+ Winlose: Economic Victory — соберите ресурсы для победы (неизвестно, сколько, не проверял)
+ Winlose: Extermination — уничтожьте все здания и всех юнитов врагов, чтобы выиграть.
+ Winlose: Civilian Slaughter — уничтожьте отряды гражданских врага (дается два безоружных отряда, которые можно пополнять).
+ Game Timer — в игре будет идти таймер с начала игры.
+ Addon: Heroes — отряды и герои будут набирать опыт, становясь сильнее. Не работает в мультиплеере (вызовет ошибки)
+ Addon: Disable Fog — отключить Туман Войны.
+ Restriction: Aircraft — отключить авиацию в игре.
+ Restriction: Commanders — отключает командиров (героев) любых типов в игре.
+ Restriction: Hero Wargear — отключает прокачку снаряжения командирам игроков.
+ Restriction: Hero Wargeat (AI) — отключает прокачку снаряжения командующим компьютерных игроков.
+ Restriction: All Relic Units — отключает всех Реликтовых юнитов для игроков.
+ Restriction: All Relic Units (AI) — запрещает постройку Реликтовых юнитов компьютеру.
+ Restriction: Titans — запрещает постройку титанов игрокам.
+ Restriction: Titans (AI) — ИИ не сможет построить Титанов.
+ Restriction: Tier I, II, II, IV — запрещает соответствующую фазу развития.
+ Restriction: Game Enders — запрет на постройку Супероружия игрокам.
+ Restriction: Game Enders (AI) — запрет на постройку Супероружия компьютерным игрокам.
+ Restriction: Winbuttons — запрещает постройку супеоружия и запуск супер-способностей рас вроде Варпшторма.
+ Restriction: Vehicle — отключает постройку машин, кроме Реликтовых машин, так что надо отметить + Restriction: All Relic Units + (AI) для полноты.
+ Winlose: Take and Hold — захватите и удерживайте более половины Критических локаций для победы.
+ Winlose: Sudden Death — захватите любую стратегическую локацию врага, чтобы победить его. Если же захватят любую вашу стратегическую точку — вы так же проиграете.
+ Restriction: Grenades — запрещает использование гранат в игре.

Скриншоты инсталлятора

Mods Titanium Wars Mod (Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War

Titanium Wars Mod для
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War — Dark Crusade/Soulstorm
Версия мода. 1.00.31 (DC); 1.00.19 (SS)
Название игры. Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War — Dark Crusade / Soulstorm
Год выпуска. 2009
Автор/Разработчик. Grumbling Orc Game Development
Требуемая версия игры. 1.2 (DC и SS)
Язык интерфейса. английский
Описание. Titanium Wars Mod (TWM) – это модификация (мод) для RTS-игры Dawn of War (DoW) созданной фирмой Relic Entertainment по игровой вселенной Warhammer 40000 от Games Workshop. Мод создан как весьма существенное расширение исходной игры от фирмы Relic. Содержит полностью переработанный геймплей для всех типов игры: кампания, скирмиш, мультиплеер. Мод добавляет в игру великое множество новых юнитов, зданий, оружейных апгрейдов, технологических исследований, специальных способностей, новых героев и их снаряжение, RPG-систему рангов и опытности юнитов и многое многое другое. И все это сделано в духе атмосферы и правил вселенной Warhammer 40000 (W40k) при сохранении игрового баланса RTS-игры. Это исторически первый DoW-мод, в котором были реализованы W40k-титаны и титаноподобные юниты во всех типах игры и для всех рас. Этот мод продемонстрировал DoW сообществу, что сбалансированная игра с титанами возможна.
Способ установки. Извлеките содержимое архива в корневую папку игры.(Архив "TitaniumWars" для Dark Crusade/Архив "TitaniumWars SS" для Soulstorm)
Русскоязычный форум мода для Dark Crusade и Soulstorm

История версий (DC)

Version 031 (19 April 2015)
- Teamcolour for Eldar Webway Great Portal and Space Marines' Demolition Bomb. Thanks to Dante.
- Now Necron Gauss Pylon have ability Gauss Annihilator Ceasefire.
- Teachings of Mont'ka and/or Teachings of Kauyon increases maximum squad size of Fire Warrior Teams (+1) and Vespid Squads (+3).
- Now cap of Ancient Builder Scarabs is the same as ordinary Builder Scarabs.
- Energy Core no longer increases squad size for Necron infantry squads (+2). Now this function belongs to Essence of the Nightbringer and Essence of the Deceiver researches.
- Tau LPs, Adv.Turrets, and barrack with turret were updated. Correct behaviour while aiming and after.
- Builder idle event was removed from all builders for all races.
- Fixed very rare appearing bug in all strongholds of TWM-DC-campaign -- attachable squads (heroes and mini-heroes) can stay invulnerable after campaign-inner-cinematic. Very rare bug, hard for testing, however it was fixed. Thanks to Skinnie for report.
- Fixed AI-bug with shrouding for Webway Great Portal. Now AI able to using it. Moreover the AI-algorithm for all Eldar shroud abilities was improved by GrOrc.
- New version of AI Donations scar-script (wincondition). This scar-script was improved by GrOrc.
- Fixed bug with firing Necron Gauss Pylon during first setup process. Titanium Wars FAQ item 4.1 is not actual now.
- Even more correct scar-code for Eldar and Necron Strongholds of TWM-DC campaign.
- Some important cosmetic changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
- Readme-files were updated.
Version 030 (15 November 2014)
- Jubilee version. 5 years ago the first public version of the Titanium Wars Mod was released (15 November 2009).
- Fixed very rare appearing bug in all strongholds of TWM-DC-campaign -- some squads can stay invulnerable after campaign-inner-cinematic. Very rare bug, hard for testing, however it was fixed.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Version 029 (19 September 2014)
- First FC-version (FC = Final Candidate). Any version from this moment may be last.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Version 028 (17 July 2014)
- New type of Tau builder was added in Coalition Center and Communications Tower. This is just alternative builder for Tau race. The number of that builder are cumulative with ordinary drone builder from Tau HQ.
- Wraithguard model was essentially updated on 3D level and OE-code (by GrOrc).
- Fixed rare scar-error in the SM Stronghold. Also fixed some new bug in campaign (present only in ver.1.00.27) concerning recently removed old IG-research. Thanks to Lost Ghost for report.
- Teamcolour for new Tau Builder. Thanks to MonkeyXXL.
- Some important cosmetic changes (including in campaign).
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 027 (31 May 2014)
- Bloodthirster receive extremely more HP while "Use Mark of Khorne" ability.
- Chaos tanks units were updated by Melooo models (from Purgation of Kaurava mod). Thanks to Melooo. OE-code of these models were fixed and remade by GrOrc.
- Chaos Gods Temple model was updated (by GrOrc). Now special banners indicate which Chaos-doctrine was choosed.
- All Chaos forces can deep strike from Chaos Gods Temple now.
- Special scar scripts were developed in order to make manual restriction of Chaos doctrine choosing by AI (special game options in winconditions section).
- Enclosed Crew Compartment upgrade was added for Basilisks.
- Thunderfire Cannon was added to Techmarine squad.
- Rhino model was updated (for SM).
- New upgrades and abilities was added for XV89 Commander.
- Teamcolour for Tau Communications Tower. Thanks to Dante.
- Chaos Gods Temple, Chaos Dark Mechanicums, Adeptus Titanicus Factory, Tau Communications Tower have limit 1 per HQ now.
- All turrets (for all races) save last aiming.
- Name of levels within Heroes system were changed: Expert = level 3, Veteran = level 4.
- Even more correct work of AI.
- Many-many important cosmetic changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 026 (15 December 2013)
- Fixed rare scar-error in the Eldar Stronghold.
- Plasma Rifle upgrade was added in both arms for XV81 Crisis Suit Shas'vre.
- Music playlist was updated.
- Many-many important cosmetic changes.
Version 025 (30 May 2013)
- Final spring version.
- Fixed rare scar-error in the Necron Stronghold. Great thanks to Lwerewolf for report about this bug and stimulating discussion.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Version 024 (9 May 2013)
- Victory version.
- Some cosmetic changes in campaign.
- Some other changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 023 (1 May 2013)
- Festive version. All fixes are included.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Hotfix 022 (28 April 2013)
- Campaign fix. Fixed new bug (exist only in ver. 20) in Necron Stronghold.
Hotfix 021 (15 April 2013)
- Fixed bug with teamcolour for Eldar Farseer.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
Version 020 (10 April 2013)
- Annihilate the Enemy research essentially icreases HP of Wraithguards.
- New units: Necron Annihilation Barge, Doomsday Ark and Ghost Ark were added. Model, textures, and FX from BoyChaos. Great thanks for his great work. Final integration 3D stuff in DoW, AE-, OE-, AI-code from GrOrc.
- Energy Core increases squad size for Necron infantry squads (+2). Second Monolith addon increases squad size for Immortals (+2).
- Titanium Wars FAQ was created. See file "Titanium Wars FAQ (eng).txt" among txt-files of Mod. It contains very useful info for all TWM-players.
- Some cosmetic changes.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
Version 019 (23 December 2012)
- Fragmentation Grenade was added for Vox-Caster Operators.
- Jump animations were OE-coded for Apothecary, Banner Bearer, Emperor's Champion, Reclusiarch, Force Commander, and Force Commander campaign variant. It was done for correct behaviour in jump state with attaching into jump-squads (Assault Marines).
- Fixed some little bugs (incliding campaign).
Version 018 (6 October 2012)
- All vehicles and buildings can be repaired faster. Maximum number of useful repaires were icreased for all races.
- Battlecry special ability was added (and OE-coded) for Emperor Champion.
- Fixed AI-bug (coming with ai-file from SS version) concerning TechMarine. CPU manager was updated for this. (This bug exist only in ver.16 and 17.)
Version 017 (31 July 2012)
- New Heroes scar-script was updated for compatibility with campaign.
- Some bugfixes and rebalnce changes were made for synchronization with SS version 0.99.04.
Version 016 (20 July 2012)
- Heroes System (scar-script) was updated by GrOrc. Attached squad problem (no XP for attached units) and garrisoned attached squad problem (XP and level loss for attached squad in garrisoned state) problem were fixed. Now with new Heroes system attached units gain XP and levels correctly.
- Leman Russ Annihilator was added. (Old FoK model was updated by GrOrc.) This unit was inserted in campaign scripted maps too.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
- Some bugfixes and rebalnce changes were made for synchronization with SS version 0.99.3.
Version 015 (8 June 2012) (first version with release status)
- Lord of Change was added in true form. Great thanks to TS Mod team for model. Thanks to Andrei354 for base complex animations. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE- and AE-code were made by Grumbling Orc. No placeholders in this Mod now. Now we can see first release version of the Titanium Wars Mod (for DC). Number of current version is 1.00.15. And 1.00.xx in future development.
- New Ork Stompa was added. It was named "Grot Stompa" because it is not enough big as normal Stompa and piloted by Grot (as part of model). Great thanks to Maestrorobertus for model and its base animations. Thanks to Andrei354 for die animations. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE-, AE, AI-code, and many other things were made by Grumbling Orc.
- New idle turn animations were added for Revenant (by Grumbling Orc).
- Whirlwind battery can be upgraded now. Old upgrade was renamed to "Hunter-Killer Missile Launchers for Rhino based vehicles, and improved Whirlwind Missile Battery". New function: increases range of fire for Whirlwind Missile Battery.
- Now "More Sluggas" research increases maximum number of heavy weapons Slugga Boyz, Shoota Boyz, Kommandoz, and Grotz Gang squads can carry. It was renamed as "More Sluggas and Dakka".
- New rational binding system for Necrons abilities.
- Mark of Khorne ability was added (and OE-coded) for Bloodthirster and Bloodletters. Additional sound effects for Mark of Khorne were added to OE-code of other Khorne units.
- Fixed bug with disappearing Mark of Khorne ability icon after reinforcing of Khorne Chosen Champion Squad. Bind "S" for this button now.
- Avatar, Bloodthirster, and Keeper of Secrets were rescaled.
- Fixed bug with incorrect transformation of some fire tracers from muzzles of enemy weapons to Kustim Stompa and Keeper of Secrets.
- Improved OE-code for Ork Dreadnought and Killa Kan. Correct move animation for both, and improved aim behaviour for Ork Dreadnought.
- File "autoexec.lua" was changed.
- Fixed bug with disappearing Rail Rifle within Pathfinders Squad interface (ver.13 and 14).
- Some bugfixes and rebalnce changes were made for synchronization with SS version 0.99.2.
Version 014 (24 February 2012)
- Some bugfixes and rebalnce changes were made for synchronization with SS version 0.99.01.
Version 013 (16 February 2012)
- Keeper of Secrets was added in true form. Great thanks to Catwell for model. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE- and AE-coding were made by Grumbling Orc.
- The Kroot Shaper had no Feral Leap like Kroot Carnivores. The Feral Leap parameters were added from the Kroot Carnivores to all Kroot Shapers. Kroot Shaper model was OE-coded properly with needed animations.
- Pathfinder Shas'ui was added as leader for Pathfinders. Solo unit present too as before.
- Some new icons were made (especially for Greater Daemons).
- Some bugfixes and rebalnce changes were made for synchronization with new SS version. Now two Titanium Wars Mods (DC and SS) will be live in synchronized manner with respect to bugfixes and rebalnce changes.
Version 012 (25 January 2012)
- Eldar Titan Revenant was added. Thanks to old Craftworld team for good model and textures. Thanks to Thudmeizer as keeper of many interesting DoW 3D assets. Thanks to Andrei354 for base comlex animations (idle, move, jumping). Other animations, OE-code, AE-code from GrOrc. Thanks to MonkeyXXL for team colorable textures (fix and remade by GrOrc).
- Max pop for Orks 250 now.
- Jump ability added (and OE-coded) for Skull Probe.
- Flag motion action was added for Techmarine.
- Flayed Ones, Immortals, Pariahs receive health bonus from Disruption Field and Enhanced Disruption Field now. Corresponding visual effects were added for these units.
- Fixed special attacks for 'Ard Nob Leader (OE- and AE-code).
- All ordinary turrets (except Ork Waaagh Banners) have restriction 16 per HQ now.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
Hotfix 011 (23 May 2011)
- Banshee Exarch Council and Reaper Exarch Council were added to Heroes System.
- Fixed bug with bomb ability scar-button for Eldar Farseer Taldeer in Necron stronghold.
- Fixed some rare appearing bug in SM stronghold.
- Some other changes.
Version 010 (8 May 2011)
- New team colourable texture for Chaos Dreadnought. Thanks to Bloodravage.
- Flamer was added for Chaos Marine tactical squads.
- Stormsword was added. Effects of die animation for Stormsword variant were replaced in OE-code.
- Model for Tau Shas'ui Fire Warrior was replaced. This model and model for Tau Shas'ui Pathfinder were OE-coded for true Photon Grenade Launcher (new more correct OE-code for this weapon than it was used in previous versions of this Mod). Bodyguards and Elite Fire Warriors have improved Pulse Rifle now. Pulse Carbines with Photon Grenade Launchers are used only by Shas'ui Firewarrior in Fire Warrior squads, Fire Warrior Assault squads, and Tau Shas'ui Pathfinders.
- Ethereal have ranged fire now (OE-coded).
- Air deep strike was added for the Imperial Guard (uses Valkyrie as dropship from Mechanized Command and Mars Pattern Command), Orks (uses Fighta-Bomma as dropship from special buildings), Space Marines (uses Thunderhawk as dropship from Machine Cult), and Tau (uses Orca Dropship from Tau Commtower). Uses standard Relic models. Additional animations and events, OE- and AE-coding were made by Grumbling Orc.
- New view of Army Painter interface. More free space for viewing models.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
- (. ) Global campaign update. (Now the DC-campaign is made in the true style of Titanium Wars Mod (TWM). Everything you have seen up to this point was not this campaign TWM-style. Only since the 10th version of this Mod the campaign takes real quality in TWM):
- - New Honor Guard system. Other set of Honor Guard units and their deployments to the provinces. All Honor Guard squads have normal reinforcement size. Hitpoints of elite units were increased. One Honor Guard tank was added for each race.
- - Tau Turrets were added to the set of Forward Base buildings (instead Kroot Nest) as for all other races in DoW: DC. Tau Turrets also appear anywhere on the scripted campaign map, where they also presented for other races.
- - Turrets in scripted missions (in race Strongholds) upgraded to maximum HP now. Some scripted movies were corrected to include new models (for example, the model of Khorne Champion was replaced from a conventional Berserker to Skull Champion wherever it occurs, Emperor Champion kills Eldar Avatar in Outro of Eldar Fortress, Predators were upgraded to lascannons in the Intro and Outro of Marine Fortress, Dreadnoughts and Chapline were replaced by new models, etc.). In particular, fixed critical bug in the Outro of Eldar stronghold.
- - Other scripted mission also redesigned for their compliance with the spirit and style of Titanium Wars Mod. To find all 10 servitors on Pavonis (Space Port), their model was replaced. Need more kills for the glory of Khorne on the Eres Badlands. You have a little more time at The Vandean Coast to kill all before the accumulation of energy (actual only on hard difficulty). Special rework was made for the mission The Hyperion Peaks. Basic Army was increased. It includes new units (and some other stuff). Now there are given all the upgrades and you can normally hire all sergeants in the squads for all races.
- - AI is at war more actively. The reaction of AI was strengthened in the defense of the provinces. Double opponent appears earlier during the campaign.
- - RTX-texture were made for all new units and buildings. The Titans and the new units are now painted in campaign normally.
- - Stronghold scripts were special remade and redesigned for their compliance with the spirit and style of Titanium Wars Mod. Many new improved algorithms for many aspects of gameplay. New camera and sound events. Strong reactions from AI opponents. New defensive and offensive behaviour. Improved patrol and moving algorithms with more stability after save/load procedure. New battle events. All new units and their new weapons used in Stronghold's armies. New buildings and researches too. NIS events were changed and improved. Many new units used as NIS actors.
- - - Chaos Stronghold: Improved Chaos attacks. Thematic Chaos Marines with support of Chaos Dreadnoughts attack player base. Nurgle Greater Daemon and Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided are on the battlefield. AI uses Warpstorm on player's squads.
- - - Eldar Stronghold: Improved Chaos and Ork opponents. Randomised Chaos opponent with true thematic textures and gameplay capabilities. Strong Chaos and Orks attacks. Strong Eldar attacks on Falcons and Wave Serpents with support of Swooping Hawks jumping attacks.Improved Eldar reactions on capturing Critical Locations.
- - - IG Stronghold: Strong attacks from IG base on a river. This position is a key for IG defensive and offensive stategic plans. All supertanks are on the battlefield.
- - - Necron Stronghold: Impoved attack algorithms. Necrons intensify their attack and use key positions more effectively. Improved Beacon abilities. Improved defence for all key positions. Necron Gauss Pylons are on the battlefield. Strong Necron reaction in the end of scenario while player is escaping.
- - - Ork Stronghold: Improved defensive and offensive behaviour for all Ork clans. True Ork Civil War algorithm. Clans can fight with other clans long time. Now Gorgutz send battle orders to each clan while it is loyal. Rebel Ork bosses also send battle orders to their clans. All clans have own specific units.
- - - SM Stronghold: Thunderhawks drop infantry and vehicles. Landing attacks on Razorbacks. Global attacks with any SM units. New SM heroes are on the battlefield.
- - - Tau Stronghold: Orca Dropships drop Tau infantry, Tau vehicles, and Kroot army. Specific attacks from Mont'ka and Kauyon bases. Harassing jumping attack by random Crisis Suits with random weapons. Ambush behaviour for XV25 and Gun Drones. Markerlight, markerlight, markerlight!
- - - Many-many other changes.
- Many-many other changes for skirmish too.
Version 009 (28 December 2010)
- Great Unclean Ones was added. Many thanks to Catwell for model. Additional animations and events, OE- and AE-coding were made by Grumbling Orc.
- Firing progress was added for Plague Marine, Chaos Marine Bike, Aspiring Champion Biker.
- Fixed bugs with capture strategic point, flag motion, syncdeaths, synckills for Chaos Icon Bearers.
- Eldar dual missile projectile was added for Wave Serpent Grav Tank.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
Version 008 (9 December 2010)
- Stormbolter's FXs for Predator were fixed (firing tracers were added).
- New Nob Leaderz for Shoota Boyz, Burna Boyz and Tankbustaz.
- Loota boyz were added and their model was OE-coded for using different weapon choice.
- Blast Krak Kannon upgrade is separate research now (for Kustim Stompa).
- Incorrect move firing was fixed for Eversor Assassin. Combat Drugs ability was added.
- Forcefield wargear upgrade was added for Eldar Autarch.
- Teleportation animation was added for Apothecary.
- Fixed bugs for all bikes (SM and HSM). All bikes were reworked. Bike Smite ability was added for all bikes.
- Fixed many bugs with firing effects for Chaos Terminator (incorrect OE-coding).
- Fixed bugs with Holographic Projection (for Ethereal).
- Glow gem effects were added for Wraithguard.
- Build placement animation was added for Webway Great Portal and Drone Sentry Turret.
- New animations were added for Chaos Tower, Chaos Gods Temple, IG Psy Tower, all Ork Big Banners, and Tau Communications Tower. Thus all additional buildings are animated properly now.
- New rational binding system for control pannel of units and buldings. All hotkey buttons for buildings, units, researches, and addons were mapped to 12 buttons on the left side of standard keyboard.
In addition 7 small buttons of small unit's control pannel were mapped to 7 buttons in the middle of standard keyboard.
New bindings were added for old and new units, buildings, researches, weapon upgrades addons, and abilities. Now almost all hotkeys are easy for remembering and using. Some of abilities were binded by another way for evading incorrect mapping under hero attachment. For example, "D" is special key for ordinary grenade, "F" is special key for some inspirational abilities, necrons use own binding scheme. Gamers may edit "keydefaults.lua"-file in their game profiles for changing this binding scheme as they wish. All neccessary binding markers are present there now for all Titanium Wars stuff.
- Some essential rebalance overpatching was made.
- Some fixes and changes were made in campaign.
- Fixed some errors in Titanium UCS-file.
- Many-many other changes.
Version 007 (20 July 2010)
- Texture for XV25 Markerlight Drone have correct colour now.
- Fixed bug with reinforce of Chapter Master Squad.
- Weapon upgrades for Field Medics and Kasrkin Bodyguards were added.
- Fixed bugs with synckills for Conscripts, Guardsmen, Kasrkin, and Kasrkin Sergeant (on WHE-file level).
- Fixed aims for Battlefortress on WHM-file level (incorrect usage of aim bones). Sound for main Kannon was changed.
- Model for Ork Dreadnought was replaced. This new model was remade on WHE- and WHM-file level for independent usage of right/left weapon slots. Megablasta tracers were added.
- Also correct megablasta effects were added for Warboss.
- Dark Reapers were essentialy remade on WHE- and WHM-file level. Added Shuriken Cannons for Dark Reapers as first weapon. Dark Reapers Launchers are weapon upgrade now. Effects for Reaper Launcher was made as Codex say. Tempest Launcher Fire ability and Fast Shot ability were added for Dark Reaper Exarch.
- Kroot Shapers have Cannibalize ability now (OE-coded).
- Tau mines were added.
- First global rebalace overpatch! All weapons were reworked with more closer to codex style (however Relic-style of gameplay was kept as possible). Some too strong abilities (in previous versions of TWM) were remade for more adequate damage.
- Heroes System work in scar-scripted campaign maps now.
- XV89 Commander (Shas'el Sashn Ar'Ro Mont'yr) now receive wargear in campaign simultaneously with O'Kais.
- Many-many other changes.
Version 006 (14 June 2010)
- Models for Griffon Mortar, Sentinel, and Support Sentinel were replaced.
- Scout Sentinel was added as early vehicle.
- Medusa was added.
- Warhound Titans are made team colourable.
- Fixed bug with pointing of Titan Plasma Blast Gun.
- Fixed bug with sponson bolters aims for Stormblade.
- Models for Falcon, Fire Prism, Viper, and Wave Serpent were replaced. Wargear researches were added for all Eldar skimmers with corresponding abilities.
- Prism Cannon Contributor ability was added. Combines beams of two Prism Cannons as Codex say.
- Models for Devilfish, Drone Harbringer, Sky Ray, Hammerhead were replaced. Smart Missile System upgrade was added.
- Model for Attack Drone was replaced. Drone Squad now can deep strike from Vehicle Beacon. Burst Cannon upgrade was added.
- Tetra Scout Skimmer was added as early vehicle.
- Model for ordinary Tau turrets was replaced (old model, but reworked by me).
- Tau Turrets (ordinary, advanced and for barracks) and Listening Posts were OE-coded. True Tau-style building animations were added. Firing progress was fixed. Aims were tuned.
- Firing progress was added for all weapon systems of XV88-2 Broadside Battlesuit.
- Techmarine was added with corresponding weapon upgrades and abilities.
- Librarian model was replaced. Jump pack upgrade was added.
- Chapter Master Command Squad was added. New powerful hero with strong retinue.
- Thematic Chaos Sorcerers were added with corresponding abilities.
- Thematic Chosen Champion squads were added with corresponding retinue.
- Animation for Mark of Khorne ability was added for some new Khorne-oriented models.
- Defence system remade for all races. Fortify researches were added for each race. Increases hitpoints for all ordinary turrets by stages. Listening posts increase own hitpoints by stages too (by adding corresponding add-ons).
- Many new icons were created.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
- Many-many other changes.
Hotfix 005 (29 January 2010)
- Fixed bug with speed of Space Marine Scout Squad.
- Fixed bug with speed of IG Command Squad when multiple priests were incorporated.
- All Eldar Warlocks (any type) have commander type of armour now. Their health were increased. Upgrade bonuses are remade.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
- Titanium readme files were supplemented. I publish in Titanium readme the weapon's ranges system is adopted in Titanium Wars. This is useful info for betatesters and modders.
Hotfix 004 (8 January 2010)
- Special Weapon Guardsman and Sniper Guardsman now receive bonuses from Battle Armor, Death before Dishonor and Will of the Emperor upgrades.
- Anti-infantry Heavy Weapon Team, Anti-tank Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar Heavy Weapon Team now receive bonuses from Death before Dishonor and Will of the Emperor upgrades. Initial morale of these squads were decreased.
- Model of Commissars were replaced. In addition all Commissars now receive bonuses from Officer's Power Sword, Officer's Bolt Pistol, Officer's Plasma Pistol upgrades.
- Bane Wolf's Chem Cannon was remade. Health degeneration modifier was removed. No post-effects to all targets. But now Chem Cannon is very effective weapon against infantry and monsters. Be careful! Chem Cannon kill ALL in forward cone angle. Include own troops!
- Punisher Cannon have small area effect now.
- Aim behaviour for Eldar War Walker was fixed. Aims animations were reworked, WHM-file was remade and correct muzzle/origin data were added in RGD-file.
- Eldar Eldritch Storm effectiveness was increased.
- Annihilate the Enemy research pass to Eldar HQ.
- Placeholder model for Eldar Titan was replaced. Scaled War Walker model used as Eldar Revenant Titan. Equipped with Sonic Lances in arms and Missile Launcher in head. Can be upgraded with Pulsars in arms. Can jetpack quickly around, and over, the battlefield.
- Titanic super-weapons now more powerful.
- Fixed some errors in Titanium UCS-file.
Hotfix 003 (19 December 2009)
- Fixed bug with no damage Missile Launcher of Support Sentinel.
- Unusable Carapace Armor buttons were hided.
- Titanium readme files were updated.
Hotfix 002 (5 December 2009)
- Adding missing black&white icon for Sternguard Veteran Marine.
- Fixed bug with too rapid fire of Dreadnought's Plasma Cannon.
- Fixed some errors in Titanium UCS-file.
- Titanium readme files were updated.
Hotfix 001 (18 November 2009)
- Adding possess animation for terminator aspiring champion.
- Fixed some errors in Titanium readme files.
Version 00 (15 November 2009)
- Look on files "Titanium readme (eng).txt" and "Titanium Wars FAQ (eng).txt".

История версий (SS)

Version 019 (19 April 2015) (. in private status now. )
- Teamcolour for Malcador tank. Thanks to MonkeyXXL.
- Teamcolour for Eldar Webway Great Portal and Space Marines' Demolition Bomb. Thanks to Dante.
- Now Necron Gauss Pylon have ability Gauss Annihilator Ceasefire.
- Teachings of Mont'ka and/or Teachings of Kauyon increases maximum squad size of Fire Warrior Teams (+1) and Vespid Squads (+3).
- Now cap of Ancient Builder Scarabs is the same as ordinary Builder Scarabs.
- Energy Core no longer increases squad size for Necron infantry squads (+2). Now this function belongs to Essence of the Nightbringer and Essence of the Deceiver researches.
- Tau LPs, Adv.Turrets, and barrack with turret were updated. Correct behaviour while aiming and after.
- Builder idle event was removed from all builders for all races.
- Fixed AI-bug with shrouding for Webway Great Portal. Now AI able to using it. Moreover the AI-algorithm for all Eldar shroud abilities was improved by GrOrc.
- Fixed bug within AI Donations scar-script (wincondition). Thanks to Nofaced for report. Moreover this scar-script was improved by GrOrc.
- Fixed bug with firing Necron Gauss Pylon during first setup process. Titanium Wars FAQ item 4.1 is not actual now.
- Some important cosmetic changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
- Readme-files were updated.
Version 018 (15 November 2014)
- Jubilee version. 5 years ago the first public version of the Titanium Wars Mod (for DC) was released (15 November 2009).
- Avenging Angels able to jump now (OE-coded too).
- Screaming Jets' effect was essentially increased for all DE vehicles.
- New version of DH-buildings with good shadows. Thanks to jONES1979.
- Fixed very rare appearing bug in some strongholds of TWM-SS-campaign -- some squads can stay invulnerable after campaign-inner-cinematic. Very rare bug, hard for testing, however it was fixed.
- Some cosmetic changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 017 (6 October 2014) (. in private status now. )
- Fixed some little bugs.
Version 016 (19 September 2014) (. in private status now. )
- First FC-version (FC = Final Candidate). Any version from this moment may be last.
- Rippers can repair Tyranids' buildings and some units now.
- Fixed glitch with lost weapon upgrades for squads while using Act of Faith: Emperor's Touch. Weapon upgrades' progress is freezed while using this special ability.
- Fixed specific Relic-bug in campaign within Ork Stronghold (scar-error after destroying some key Orks' buildings before receiving secondary objectives connected to them). Thanks to TIGRYLbKA for report.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Some important cosmetic changes (including in campaign).
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 015 (17 July 2014) (. in private status now. )
- New type of Tau builder was added in Coalition Center and Communications Tower. This is just alternative builder for Tau race. The number of that builder are cumulative with ordinary drone builder from Tau HQ.
- Fleet abitity was added for most DE infantry.
- Malcadors' Lascannons now available only after Full Scale War research.
- Synckills and syncdeaths were added for Imperial Planetary Governor.
- Wraithguard model was essentially updated on 3D level and OE-code (by GrOrc).
- Fixed some new bug in campaign (present only in ver.1.00.14) concerning recently removed old IG-research. Thanks to Lost Ghost for report.
- Teamcolour for new Tau Builder and Macharius. Thanks to MonkeyXXL.
- Some important cosmetic changes (including in campaign).
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 014 (31 May 2014) (. in private status now. )
- New race Administratum was developed within TWM. This is background faction of Warhammer 40000 universe. This is not a faction from tabletop game and it has no Codex from Games Workshop. However this faction has good description in background of Warhammer 40000 within W40k-manuals and other books. This faction is mass defenders of the Imperium planets. It contain Adeptus Arbites and Planetary Defence Forces (PDF). It can use ancient and other rare technics of the Imperium (like Malcador tanks and others). This is most numerous faction within Imperium. Now Titanium Wars Mod has this faction as playable race within DoW engine. Short description below:
-- Tier 1: Administratum race start as civil planetary colony of the Imperium. HQ is Governor's Palace. Main hero is Imperial Planetary Governor. Key units are the Civilians (Men and Women). Each Civilian increases Squad Cap and Support Cap by 1 (this role is important on all stages of game). Has no weapon. Unable to fight. Can capture Strategic Points though (in neutral zones as a rule). Main fighters on Tier 1 are Adeptus Arbites. Adeptus Arbites are law and order of the Imperium.
-- Tier 2: Planetary Defence Forces are available here. Soldiers of PDF like Guardsmen but with some differences. Moreover the Civilians can be called to the army (with excess of the Squad Cap limits if it is needed).
-- Tier 3: Adeptus Mechanicus Factory means moving on the Tier 3. All technics are available from this level.
-- Tier 4: Uber tanks are available on this tier. Moreover Imperial Planetary Governor can choose a doctrine in order to continue the global planetary conflict in some special manner. He can stay as loyal to the Imperium or he able to betray the Imperium and make actions as ally to enemy of Imperium. There are 5 doctrines:
--- "Call the Angels of Death". The Planetary Governor calls the Angels of Death in order to help local Planetary Defence Forces in the battle against the enemies of the Imperium. A Space Marine Company is deployed with the aim of building up a massive force of mobile heavy firepower to overwhelm the enemy with it.
--- "Inquisitorial Mandate". The Planetary Governor requests Inquisitorial support in order to clean the planet of the Imperium from enemy presence. The local Planetary Defence Forces are requisitioned and reorganized by the Imperial Inquisition to combat the taint of Chaos, heresy, and xenos.
--- "Loyal Service to Tau Empire". The Planetary Governor betray the Imperium and reveal himself and his minions and followers as Tau Loyalists. Tau expeditionary forces are deployed on the planet surface in order to bring the Greater Good in these realms which are inhabited by irrational Gue'la.
--- "Chaos Renegades". The Planetary Governor betray the Imperium and reveal himself and his minions and followers as Chaos Renagades. Chaos strike forces are deployed in these realms of the Imperium to conquer entire planet in the name of Chaos Undivided.
--- "Planetary Defence Initiative". The Planetary Governor use own military resources without any help from outside.
-- General notes about new playable Administratum race:
--- Some part of 3D content was taken from Steel Legion Mod and Witch Hunters Mod. Great thanks to this old famous DoW-modders teams. Some of these models were remade by GrOrc in order to conform with TWM concept of Administratum race. Some other models from some other source were used and remade by GrOrc too. For example, all infantry have special badge on breast after choosing Tau or Chaos Renegade doctrine. Vehicles have special visual details too.
--- Administratum race has new buildings. For example, uber-turrets were based on Leman Russ cannons in correspondence with W40k background.
--- Squad Cap and Support Cap system of Administratum race is unique. Each Civilian increases both type of Cap by 1 (important in early stages of game). Special researches are used too (available in Arbites Local Headquarters and Civil Houses). Arbites Repressor Depot (Add-on) increses Support Cap by 5. Any special building of external allies increases both type of Cap by 5. Civil House increases both type of Cap by 2.
--- Administratum race has no problem with tactical information. Relay Station has special ability to reveal huge part of map.
--- Administratum race has TWM-like AI. Moreover AI has special algorithm in order to choose doctrine in correspondence with nearest enemy. For example, AI never choose Tau doctrine if nearest enemy is Tau. Moreover special scar scripts were developed in order to make manual restriction of doctrine choosing by AI (special game options in winconditions section).
---- The end of description of Administratum race. ----
- Bloodthirster receive extremely more HP while "Use Mark of Khorne" ability.
- Chaos tanks units were updated by Melooo models (from Purgation of Kaurava mod). Thanks to Melooo. OE-code of these models were fixed and remade by GrOrc.
- Chaos Gods Temple model was updated (by GrOrc). Now special banners indicate which Chaos-doctrine was choosed.
- All Chaos forces can deep strike from Chaos Gods Temple now.
- Special scar scripts were developed in order to make manual restriction of Chaos doctrine choosing by AI (special game options in winconditions section).
- Enclosed Crew Compartment upgrade was added for Basilisks.
- Thunderfire Cannon was added to Techmarine squad.
- Rhino model was updated (for SM).
- New upgrades and abilities was added for XV89 Commander.
- Teamcolour for Tau Communications Tower. Thanks to Dante.
- New unit for Dark Eldar -- Vessel of Pain. Super-heavy skimmer tank. Limit 3. Thanks to Karandras for kitbash idea of this unit and initial development of the 3D-model. 3D-fixes and 3D-redesign, animations, needed markers, events, OE-, AE-, AI-code, and many other things were made by Grumbling Orc.
- New research on Tier 2 for Dark Eldar -- Kabal Mobilization. Modifiers were removed from 2nd HQ-add-on and they were placed in this new research. Increases maximum squad size of Mandrakes, Warriors, and Scourges. Increases maximum number of heavy weapons Scourge squads can carry.
- Sight range was increased for all Dark Eldar vehicles.
- Chaos Gods Temple, Chaos Dark Mechanicums, Adeptus Titanicus Factory, Tau Communications Tower have limit 1 per HQ now.
- All turrets (for all races) save last aiming.
- Name of levels within Heroes system were changed: Expert = level 3, Veteran = level 4.
- Even more correct work of AI.
- Many-many important cosmetic changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
Hotfix 013 (22 December 2013) (. in private status now. )
- Fixed some little bugs for Tyranids race.
Version 012 (15 December 2013) (. in private status now. )
- Tyranids race was added. Now all 11 classic W40k races are present within the Titanium Wars Mod (TWM) framework. Tyranids race is TWM-adaptation of old famous Tyranid Mod (ver.0.5b2). Great thanks to old Tyranid Mod team (modelers and texturers especially) for their great work for many years. However TWM have another concept of Tyranids race within DoW (TWM) framework (see details below). Moreover OE-code (WHE-files) for all units and buildings were remade (by GrOrc) within TWM framework for good bevaviour in game and in order to comply the TWM concept in W40k manner. Some WHM-files were remade too for more correct work of new OE-code (new anims were added). Some details about TWM-concept of Tyranids race:
-- New interface for Tyranids race. Correct work in game and playback.
-- Tyranids have no visible workers on the battlefield. All Tyranids buildings drop directly from Hive Fleet in orbit. Press on "."-key or press on left-top corner of the screen (on resource panel) to gain access to Hive Fleet in orbit. This is DoW-worker like DE- or DH-worker, but it is flying unit over the battlefield beyond the visible area for player. All buildings are constructed automatically after drop from orbit, but make sure that the invisible builder has touch each new building really (look on progress construction bar of new building and re-touch on the new dropped building by the builder if it is necessary). Hive Fleet have special abilities for global usage on the battlefield.
-- Tyranids have two type of resources: Biomass (green) and Influence (blue). Biomass is biomass which are consumed by Hive Fleet in orbit via Capillary Towers. Influence is biomass which are consumed by local Tyranid's broods and bases on the planet and this is depend on controlled territory (build Spore Chimney for consuming this resource). Biomass is needed for all units. Influence is needed for buildings, upgrades, and some special abilities.
-- Hive Spires (HQs), Capillary Towers, and Spore Chimneys project a large control area allowing other buildings to be placed on a large part of the map. So most buildings can not be placed in any location without control from that key buildings. Tyranids are needed to expand their controlled territory by construction of key buildings in new locations.
-- Almost all buildings have limits per HQ. Thus more HQ allow to construct more Tyranids' buildings on the map.
-- Rippers are good close-combat and anti-buildings unit. They can be dropped anywhere including invisible locations (under fog). Eat anything around. They able to cannibalize corpses to gain health (OE-coded). Limit 5 without cap usage.
-- Alpha Warriors squad was added. Like other Warriors but it is armed with Randing Claws and Scything Talons. Can be upgraded with a Venom Cannon or a Barbed Strangler. Limit 2.
-- Gargoyle squad was added. This is only one flying unit in the TWM framework (see Titanium Wars FAQ item 4.6).
-- Tyranids have no tech units (like tanks of other races). Thus anti-tank weapons are less effective and anti-tank abilities are unusable against them. All support squads for Tyranids are monstrous type.
-- Biovore is monster. Long range artillery. Only one unit in squad. Limit 6.
-- Zoanthrope is monster. Powerful ranged psychic attack unit. Only one unit in squad. Limit 4.
-- Carnifex WHE- and WHM-files were essentially remade. Now all Carnifex-like units have good behaviour in game and true view in Army Painter. It has become more functionality in the OE-code (any combinations of upgrades and good behavior while shooting). New type of Carnifex was added. It's a Thornback (spawned with twin-linked Devourers and Barbed Strangler, limit 6).
-- Hive Tyrant is hero unit with wargear in accordance with TWM traditions. Special buildings (Hive Tyrant's Lair) contain upgrades for this hero. Fixed some bugs in OE-code of Hive Tyrant (WHE-file).
-- Hierophant Bio-Titan is titan-like unit for Tyranids race. Hierophant Chamber is needed for this unit on highest Tier level. Great thanks to Catwell for Hierophant model. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE- and AE-code were made by Grumbling Orc. Without this unit Tyranids race could not be realized within the TWM framework.
-- New special abilities were added for some Tyranids units in concordance with W40k Codexes.
-- New Tyranids AI in TWM manner.
-- Sound effects and sound speeches were added wherever they were needed.
-- Thanks to Dante for rework all Tyranids textures (specular effect was added for all). Thanks to BoyChaos for rework old "WHM Import" script.
- Plasma Rifle upgrade was added in both arms for XV81 Crisis Suit Shas'vre.
- Sister Hospitaller have Paladin's Healing Touch ability now (OE-coded too).
- New improved debut strategy for Whitch Hunters. Random convent on start and random type of early sisters therefore.
- SP, OP, and RP were fixed and remade, and Tyranids team colourable "banner" (chimney on SP) was made for new Tyranids race within TWM framework. Tyranids never had such stuff in DoW1 mods before.
- Fixed bug with Assassinate Win Condtition (unnoticed since ver.007). Random Canoness appearance was added for Whitch Hunters race in this type of game.
- Music playlist was updated.
- Many-many important cosmetic changes.
Version 011 (30 May 2013)
- Final spring version.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Version 010 (9 May 2013)
- Victory version.
- Some cosmetic changes in campaign.
- Some other changes.
- UCS-files were updated.
Version 009 (1 May 2013)
- Festive version. All fixes are included.
- Some cosmetic changes.
Hotfix 008 (15 April 2013)
- Fixed bug with teamcolour for Eldar Farseer.
- Fixed bug with textures for Necron Lord in invisible state.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
Version 007 (10 April 2013) (first version with release status)
- Release status of the Titanium Wars Mod for Soulstorm is achived now. All aspects of DoW-game were good developed for SS version of this Mod, and good quality standards of this project were realized as well as in DC version before. Now we can see first release version of the Titanium Wars Mod for SS. Number of current version is 1.00.07. And 1.00.xx in future development.
- Global update for Whitch Hunters race within TWM framework:
-- Many new WH units were added. They are based on beautiful models and textures of great Whitch Hunters Mod (from KRMZ and Friedric P.). New units are: Arco-Flagellants, Canoness Seraphim, Callidus Assassin, Saint Celestine, Cherubims, Inquisitor (Female), Sister Hospitaller, Crusader, Retributor, Battle Sister of Silence, Celestian Sister of Silence, Repentia Sister of Silence, Seraphim Sister of Silence.
-- Most new units were placed in new building: Sisters of Silence Convent. This is alternative infantry building located among advanced constructions but it can be used as alternative first barrack of infantry in first stage of game.
-- New ability and new weapons for new units.
-- New AI for WH race with fully support of all new units.
-- New OE-code for all old models from Whitch Hunters Mod (many bugs were fixed and all needed SS-features were added in OE-code).
- Annihilate the Enemy research essentially icreases HP of Wraithguards.
- New units: Necron Annihilation Barge, Doomsday Ark and Ghost Ark were added. Models, textures, and some FXs from BoyChaos. Great thanks for his great work. Final integration 3D stuff in DoW, AE-, OE-, AI-code from GrOrc.
- Energy Core increases squad size for Necron infantry squads (+2). Second Monolith addon increases squad size for Immortals (+2).
- Correct die flying animation was OE-coded for Seraphim and Seraphim Veteran Superior (original Relic units).
- Titanium Wars FAQ was created. See file "Titanium Wars FAQ (eng).txt" among txt-files of Mod. It contains very useful info for all TWM-players.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
Version 006 (23 December 2012)
- Fragmentation Grenade was added for Vox-Caster Operators.
- Celestian have 6 units per squad now.
- Global campaign update. The SS-campaign was fully updated within TWM-SS framework. Now the new TWM-SS-campaign has true TWM-style in all scripted missions in Strongholds for all races.
-- Common:
--- Stronghold's scripts and maps were essentially remade.
--- More agressive behaviour of campaign opponents in the Stronghold's missions.
--- All TWM-units, TWM-weapons, and TWM-upgrades are used in campaign Stronghold's missions, updated intro/outro, etc. many-many changes.
--- True single player enemy heroes fight in Strongholds with own wargear. Enemy heroes really present on the battlefields and fight against player forces.
--- Almost all TWM-skills for troops are used in Stronghold's missions.
--- More static enemy defence on the Stronghold's maps.
--- Campaign textures were made where they are needed.
--- New markers on Stronghold's maps for good initial placement of player's Honour Guards.
--- More correct algorithms for good behaviour after save/load procedure.
-- Chaos: New attack algorithms. Khorne shrines produce many troops and daemons. All Greater Daemons will appear there.
-- Dark Eldar: Intensive attacks. Vect vehicle jump back after combat. Other DE vehicles can jump into combat.
-- Eldar: Jump attacks on player base. Intensive attacks in first phase of battle. More intensive attacks from gates.
-- Imperial Guard: Randomize supertanks. Good attacks from different directions. Drivers get into the tanks more quickly. Main base active now.
-- Necrons: New Monoloth attacks. Three peripheral Monoliths can attack player. Relic base active now and produce elite troops. More intensive defence algorithms.
-- Orks: More intensive attacks on player base. Strong static defence.
-- Whitch Hunters: New attacks waves from new locations. Landing troops from different vehicles. Inquisition forces on the battlefield. Confessor stay on the battlefield after crusades and he help to defence main base in final stand. New sound events during mission.
-- Space Marines: More intensive attacks on player base. New defence algorithms by drop pods.
-- Tau: More intensive attacks on player base. Strong static defence (turrets and invisible units).
- Jump animations were OE-coded for Apothecary, Banner Bearer, Emperor's Champion, Reclusiarch, Force Commander, and Force Commander campaign variant. It was done for correct behaviour in jump state with attaching into jump-squads (Assault Marines).
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
Version 005 (18 October 2012)
- All vehicles and buildings can be repaired faster. Maximum number of useful repairers were increased for all races.
- Battlecry special ability was added (and OE-coded) for Emperor Champion.
- SS-campaign were partially updated within TWM-SS framework.
-- Fixed some incorrect commanders' wargear in SS-campaign.
-- Space Marines and Orks Stronghold's scripts and maps were remade (new units, new weapons, updated intro/outro, etc. many-many changes).
Version 004 (31 July 2012)
- New Heroes scar-script was updated for compatibility with campaign.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
Version 003 (22 July 2012)
- Heroes System (scar-script) was updated by GrOrc. Attached squad problem (no XP for attached units) and garrisoned attached squad problem (XP and level loss for attached squad in garrisoned state) problem were fixed. Now with new Heroes system, attached units gain XP and levels correctly.
- Leman Russ Annihilator was added. (Old FoK model was updated by GrOrc.)
- Codex race Daemonhunters was developed within Titanium Wars Mod framework. Thanks to Inquisition Daemonhunt Mod for models, FX, arts, sounds, and some gameplay ideas. However Daemonhunters (DH) race have new TWM-like gameplay now. Some features are described below:
-- All unit/buildings parameters, models, and visial effects were made by Titanium Wars Mod (TWM) standards. AI is fully functional for DH as for all other races in TWM. DH race only for skirmish and multiplayer game as yet.
-- New units and buildings. New abilities and upgrades.
-- Concise description of DH race:
--- Tier 1. DH start with Stormtroopers (FoK model) as base inquisition forces. Stormtroopers like Kasrkin but more weak in Tier 1-2 up to Tier 3. They gain full power after Tier 1-2-3 upgrades. Bodyguards is other Tier 1 squad (limit 1). Like Stormtroopers in relation to upgrades. Builder Archivist can jump but unable to repair vehicles and buildings. However he able to construct buildings like DE builder - building is constructed automatically without builder presence.
--- Tier 1,5. Maintanance Servitor. Close combat unit and main repairer. Scholars squad. Early detector and special support squad with some special abilities. Rhino. Light support tank and transport.
--- Tier 2. Gun Servitors. Heavy fire support squad and secondary repairer. Assassins (Death Cult, Eversor, Vindicare). Infiltration forces. Chimera and Razorback. Light tank and transport. Availability of advanced weapons for infantry.
--- Tier 2,5. Grey Knights forces come here with Knights and Dreadnoughts.
--- Tier 3. Daemonhost. Spawned by Inquisitor, terror unit, can not be used near Grey Knight forces and buildings. Leman Russ Executioner and Annihilator variants (cumulative limit 5). Medium support tank. More advanced weapons for Grey Knight Dreadnoughts. Some special abilities for units and buildings.
--- Tier 4. Grey Knight Terminators (limit 2) and Paladins (limit 1). Grey Knight Librarian (hero). Land Raider and Land Raider Crusader (cumulative limit 3).
--- Tier 5. Warhound Titan.
-- OE-codes were fixed and reworked for Bodyguards, Scholars, Grey Knights (both models), Grey Knights Terminators, Dreadnoughts, GK Land Raiders, Inquisitorial Razorback.
-- New specular textures for Grey Knights squads based on FoK models. Thanks to MonkeyXXL for such textures.
-- New unit Daemonhost was created from Psyker model (GrOrc). Some new geometry, anims, FX, and OE-code.
-- All deepstrikes works correctly and different for different forces. Infantry uses Valkyrie as dropship from Inquisition Watch, Grey Knights forces uses teleport ability from Grey Knights' Teleporter, Land Raiders uses Thunderhawk as dropship from Domus Astra Telepatica.
-- Fully reworked new AI.
- Thanks to jONES1979 and karandras_i for their contribution to work on Tarantula Sentry Laser Turret.
- Titanium UCS-file was updated.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
Version 002 (8 June 2012)
- Lord of Change was added in true form. Great thanks to TS Mod team for model. Thanks to Andrei354 for base complex animations. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE- and AE-code were made by Grumbling Orc.
- New Ork Stompa was added. It was named "Grot Stompa" because it is not enough big as normal Stompa and piloted by Grot (as part of model). Great thanks to Maestrorobertus for model and its base animations. Thanks to Andrei354 for die animations. Additional animations, needed markers, events, OE-, AE-, AI-code, and many other things were made by Grumbling Orc.
- New idle turn animations were added for Revenant (by Grumbling Orc).
- New building Adeptus Titanicus Factory was added for Whitch Hunters. It adds 10 support points. Produces servitors, inquisitorial vehicles, and ultimate powerfull unit -- Warhound Titan.
- Ravager don't require Soul Cage now.
- Second infantry health upgrade was added for Dark Eldar.
- Planetary Strike Add-on increases maximum squad size of Mandrakes, Warriors, and Scourges now. Also upgrades maximum number of heavy weapons Scourge squads can carry.
- Haemonculus is more effective as detector now.
- Exorcist is more effective against buildings now.
- Whirlwind battery can be upgraded now. Old upgrade was renamed to "Hunter-Killer Missile Launchers for Rhino based vehicles, and improved Whirlwind Missile Battery". New function: increases range of fire for Whirlwind Missile Battery.
- Now "More Sluggas" research increases maximum number of heavy weapons Slugga Boyz, Shoota Boyz, Kommandoz, and Grotz Gang squads can carry. It was renamed as "More Sluggas and Dakka".
- New rational binding system for Necrons abilities.
- Mark of Khorne ability was added (and OE-coded) for Bloodthirster and Bloodletters. Additional sound effects for Mark of Khorne were added to OE-code of other Khorne units.
- Fixed bug with disappearing Mark of Khorne ability icon after reinforcing of Khorne Chosen Champion Squad. Bind "S" for this button now.
- Avatar, Bloodthirster, and Keeper of Secrets were rescaled.
- Fixed bug with incorrect transformation of some fire tracers from muzzles of enemy weapons to Kustim Stompa and Keeper of Secrets.
- Improved OE-code for Ork Dreadnought and Killa Kan. Correct move animation for both, and improved aim behaviour for Ork Dreadnought.
- File "autoexec.lua" was changed.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
Version 001 (24 February 2012)
- Elite Incubus Squad was added. It is spawned from Dais of Destruction. Max limit 1.
- Turbo Boosters ability was added for Reaver Jetbike. Allow the vehicle to move at top speed, but disables all weapons. Makes the vehicle resistant to ranged damage while the ability is active.
- Ravager max limit 6 now.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Some rebalance overpatching was made.
- Fixed some errors in the Titanium UCS-files.
- Titanium readme files were updated.
Version 00 (16 February 2012)
- Look on files "Titanium readme (eng).txt" and "Titanium Wars FAQ (eng).txt".

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