
скачать мод на террарию Tmodloader img-1

скачать мод на террарию Tmodloader

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Категория: Моды


TModLoader 0

tModLoader 0.9.1 для Terraria

tModLoader - загрузчик модов для Terraria

В архиве папки для разных ОС. Для установки открываем либо распаковываем архив, открываем папку, соответствующую Вашей ОС (Windows, Mac или Linux в конце названия) и запускаем файл tModLoaderInstaller.jar либо копируем все файлы в папку с игрой, согласившись на замену. Если желаете играть и оригинал, и с модами - при копировании файл Terraria.exe переименовать.

Последняя версия состоянием на 08.01.2017.

На странице http://game-score.ru/mods/276604-tmodloader-091-dlya-terraria.html вы можете найти и скачать tModLoader 0.9.1 для Terraria.

Игры из материала

Дата выхода PC игры: 16 мая 2011

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Скачать мод на террарию tmodloader

[1.3] tModLoader - Новый загрузчик модификаций для Террарии!

tModLoader это, по существу мод, который обеспечивает способ для загрузки модификаций без необходимости работать напрямую с исходным кодом террарии. Это означает, что вы можете легко создать моды, которые совместимы с модами других людей. Он создан для работы на террарии 1.3

tModLoader разработан таким образом, чтобы свести к минимуму усилия, необходимые для обновления до будущих версий террарии. После того, как tModLoader будет достаточно доработан, разработчик будет расширять функции террарии. tModLoader сохраняет миры и игроков в отдельной папке.

На данный момент tModLoader может:

  • Добавлять оружие.
  • Добавлять доспехи.
  • Добавлять аксессуары
  • Добавлять частицы.
  • Добавлять тайлы (Блоки, декорации и т.д.)
  • Изменять игровые файлы (item, npc)

Инструкция по установке tModLoader

Скачайте tModLoader.exe и запустите. Выберите путь к игре, нажмите Install и ждите окончания. Играйте.

Мануальная установка (Если первая не доступна).

1. Скачайте tModloader-vx.x.x.zip и распакуйте его в папку с игрой.
2. Скопируйте Terraria.exe в папку Vanilla (Которая находиться в папке ModLoader).
3. Запустите Patch.bat в этой папке.
4. Скопируйте Terraria.exe из папки tModLoader (Которая находится там же) обратно.
5. Играйте.

Если Террария крашится
Скачайте чистую версию, и попробуйте заново. Если снова не работает, перечитайте инструкцию и попробуйте заново. Работает на всех Windows ОС (7x32 7x64 10x64)

Инструкция по установке модификаций

Открыть папку C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mods и скопировать .tmod фаил.

-Added build properties to specify display and dependency stuff
--Mod author and version are now build properties
--Added support for mod and dll dependencies
-Modified WorldFile.ValidateWorld so worlds containing modded stuff can load
-Added support for custom tiles (ModTile and GlobalTile)
--Added support for tile kill sounds, dust, drops, and kill-related hooks
--Added support for custom TileObjectData and multi-tile blocks
--Added ModifyLight, SetSpriteEffects, AnimateTile, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for tiles
--Added support for tile map colors and names, and related hooks
--Added RandomUpdate and TileFrame hooks for tiles
--Added mineResistance and minPick fields for ModTile
--Added CanPlace and AdjTiles hooks for tiles
--Added RightClick and HitWire hooks for tiles
-Added ConsumeItem hook for ModRecipe
-Added PreDrawInInventory and PostDrawInInventory hooks for items
-Fixed bug with removing custom armor from mannequins
-Improved error-handling for missing textures
-Safeproofed installation process
-Removed some log writes that I accidentally left in
-Fixed bug with custom item data saving
-Mods now build as a single file that includes image resources
-Added support for automatically loading items, etc.
-Updated to Terraria
-Added ModItem.AddRecipes hook
-Added support for custom dust through ModDust
-Added CanEquipAccessory hook for items
-Added GlobalNPC with PreNPCLoot and NPCLoot hooks since everyone wants that
-Added ModItem.SaveCustomData and ModItem.LoadCustomData hooks
-Made tooltips easier to add
-Mods that crash the game while loading are now auto-disabled
-Mods are now auto-enabled when they are built
-Added a button to the Mod Sources menu to open the Mod Sources folder
-In-game error messages now appear when the game would have crashed and when a build fails
-Item display names can now be separated from internal names in the SetDefault hook
-Added a ton of hooks for ModItem and GlobalItem
--CanUseItem, UseStyle, UseItemFrame, UseItem, and ConsumeItem
--HoldStyle, HoldItem, and HoldItemFrame
--Shoot, ConsumeAmmo, UseItemHitbox, and MeleeEffects
--ModifyHitNPC, OnHitNPC, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp
--UpdateInventory, UpdateEquip, UpdateAccessory, IsArmorSet, and UpdateArmorSet
--CanRightClick, RightClick, and Update
--VerticalWingSpeeds and HorizontalWingSpeeds
--GetAnimation (ModItem only), GetAlpha, PreDrawInWorld, and PostDrawInWorld
-Added support for armors and accessories
-Fixed decompile bug that caused minimaps to not save
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.6
-Fixed missing .dll bug when building mods
-Split ModLoader class into ModLoader and ItemLoader
-Slightly changed the way modded items are saved
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.5
-Added support for prefixes for modded items
-Vastly improved the GUI for building and loading mods
--Menu shows status of loading and building mods
--Added menus that show lists of mods and mod sources
--Added the ability to enable and disable mods
--Added the ability to build mods individually
-Added GlobalItem
-Support for mods, recipes, and basic items

Что будет добавлено в следующей версии:

My goals for the next update (v0.3.1):
-Add support for multiple global entities per mod
-Add support for modifying names and tooltips of vanilla items
-Add support for walls
-Add support for very basic projectiles and NPCs

Tentative Future Plans
v0.3.2: Hooks for projectiles and NPCs, support for gores
v0.3.3: Hooks for the world and player
v0.3.4: Finish hooks for players, support for buffs
Further in the future: Server support + other stuff I'm forgetting

Ответы на вопросы:

Пока нельзя создать копья, булавы, и прочее оружие которым нужны собственный projectile.
Пока нельзя создавать стены и нпс.
Ничего из выше описанного пока что не ввели!
tAPI до версии 1.3 обновлен не будет!

Установка Тmodloader на террарию 1

Установка Тmodloader на террарию ( Новый способ )

Террария - http://terrariago.ru/download/client/1232-terraria-112-rusifikator-mac-versiya-terraria-dlya-linux.html (читаем коменты там я написал где находится террка с tModLoaderom) Моды - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4roxv6yglag1pq0/Mods.rar?dl=0 Дополнительный мод - http://terrariago.ru/download/mods/112132-exodus-tmodloader-08211311.html Запоминаем что скачиваем только тогда когда зарегистрировались а то вирусы будут. Мой вк - https://vk.com/id242894783

1. tAPI: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/tapi-a-mod-to-make-mods.3203/ 2. Game Launcher: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/game-launcher-3-2-1-5.1061/ Стримы: http://www.twitch.tv/letsmindplay Мои шоу: http://www.youtube.com/user/antonshulga Публичка: http://vk.com/antonotropija Твиттер: https://twitter.com/shulgaanton1 Спасибо что смотрите и слушаете! В этом в видео Антон MindGames рассказывает как играть в игре террария с модами. Приводиться пошаговая подробная инструкция как устанавливать модификации на игру террария. Освещаются такие вопросы как становить tAPI (тАПИ) и как установить Game Launcher (гейм лаунчер), куда положить файлы модов, как запустить оригинальную террарию. как подготовить террарию установке модов. Как активировать моды в террарии. Все это можно описать как установка модов для Terraria или Как Установить моды для терки.

tModLoader: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dhw7xsni6f9ug1s/tModLoader+Windows+v0.7.1.1.zip Tremor: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/tremor-remastered.28695/ The Thorium: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/the-thorium-mod.40788/

Карта Яны Black Hood: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4e485iwtj6. Я в ВК: https://vk.com/bogdan_tischenko Группа ВК: https://vk.com/honeylord Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tischenkob/ Twitch канал: http://www.twitch.tv/xahn_lord Мой Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7.

Желающим поддержать канал (коплю на микрофон) Трейд: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer. Яндекс.Деньги: 410013364516452 Webmoney R116868595486 Z118232461189 E403647597217

Моя партнерская программа VSP Group. Подключайся! https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?7

Плейлисты: Exxo Avalon: https://tinyurl.com/qhbgs8r Призыватель: https://tinyurl.com/ho8dpmo Бросатель: https://tinyurl.com/hfzvylu Expert mode: https://tinyurl.com/pwkkgb9 Волшебник: https://tinyurl.com/qdese8u

Музыка Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://tinyurl.com/mjjvns8). Оригинальная версия: https://tinyurl.com/qzyekpc. Исполнитель: http://incompetech.com/

Скачать мод на террарию tmodloader

tModLoader это, по существу мод, который обеспечивает способ для загрузки модификаций без необходимости работать напрямую с исходным кодом террарии. Это означает, что вы можете легко создать моды, которые совместимы с модами других людей. Он создан для работы на террарии 1.3

tModLoader разработан таким образом, чтобы свести к минимуму усилия, необходимые для обновления до будущих версий террарии. После того, как tModLoader будет достаточно доработан, разработчик будет расширять функции террарии. tModLoader сохраняет миры и игроков в отдельной папке.

Ответы на вопросы:
Мультиплеер очень забагован! Играйте только на свой страх и риск.
Русификатор будет крашить игру!

Инструкция по установке tModLoader:
1. Скачайте архив
2.1. Если у вас установлена Java версии 1.7 и выше (скачать ее можно по этой ссылке), то сначала (!) разархивируйте архив, запустите файл tModLoaderInstaller.jar, находящийся в папке, в который вы этот архив разархивировали. Далее установщик сообщит вам, получилось ли установить загрузчик модов или нет.
2.2. Если же по каким-то причинам вы не смогли\не захотели установить Java, то можете установить его вручную, а именно перекинуть все содержимое архива в папку с Террарией (для пользователей, обладающих Steam лицензией -. /Steam/steamapps/common/Terraria. ежели нет - в ту папку, в которую была установлена Террария). Желательно перед установкой сделать бэкап файла Terraria.exe (скопировать его в другую папку\переименовать)
3. Играть и радоваться :3

Запуск сервера:
1. Скачайте нужные моды.
2. Создайте мир в одиночной игре и пробудте в нем хотя бы 3 минуты, это поможет избежать множество багов.
3. Запустите сервер через tModLoaderServer.exe
4. Подключайтесь и играйте.

Если Террария крашится:
Скачайте чистую версию, и попробуйте заново. Если снова не работает, перечитайте инструкцию и попробуйте заново.

Terraria и tModLoader используют разные файлы сохранений игроков и персонажей: Персонажи и миры с оригинальной игры не поддерживаются на tModLoader и наоборот.

Инструкция по установке модификаций:
Открыть папку C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mods и скопировать .tmod фаил.
Также теперь в меню есть вкладка Mod Browser, от туда вы можете скачать моды.

ВНИМАНИЕ! В связи с частыми вопросами по поводу того, будут ли моды работать на пиратской версии, сообщаем, что моды работают как на лицензионной игре, так и на пиратке!


Скачать загрузчик модов для Terraria 1.3.5.х. и

-Mac/Linux can now host servers
-Added support for modded tile entities
-Added PreHitWire hook for GlobalTile
-Added CanExplode hook for walls
-Added broadcast parameter to Mod.ChatInput
-Fixed bug where defender forge can't save modded items
-Minor fixes

-Updated to Terraria
-Fixed bug where modded trees get drawn incorrectly

-Fixed a bug with modded walls beyond a certain ID
-Added ability to change modded tree top/branch frames
-Added fishing power parameter to ModPlayer.CatchFish
-Fixed bug where return value of TileLoader.Slope is ignored
-buildIgnore now accepts both slash types for directories
-Updated to Terraria
-Hopefully fixed Mac/Linux not being able to host servers
-Fixed bug where modded buffs beyond a certain ID cannot be synced

-Security for Mod Browser
-Minor fixes

-Fixed bug where modded items disappear upon sorting

-Added a weak mod dependency system
-Added support for biome backgrounds
-Added support for custom water and waterfall styles
-Added support for custom saplings, trees, palm trees, and cacti
-Added PostDrawInterface, PostDrawFullscreenMap, and PostUpdateInput hooks
-Added clientClone, SyncPlayer, and SendClientChanges hooks for ModPlayer
-Added ModifyZoom and ModifyScreenPosition hooks
-Added updateType field for ModGore
-Made all classes in Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements public
-Made Main.rare public
-Added modpath option for dedicated server config
-Added search filter to Mods menu
-Disabled buggy hotbar scrolling during auto select
-Fixed bug where music boxes cannot record custom music
-Fixed world generation bugs involving modded tiles
-Updated to Terraria
--Added support for alternate ModNPC textures
--Added UsesPartyHat hook for ModNPC

-Added PreReforge and PostReforge hooks for items
-Added CustomBuffTipSize and DrawCustomBuffTip hooks for GobalBuff
-Added CanDamage and ShouldUpdatePosition hooks for projectiles
-Added Clone hooks for entity infos
-Fixed bug where ModifyBuffTip is not called from inventory menu
-Fixed bug where modded NPCs aren't listed under banner buff tooltip
-Fixed bug where ModItem and EntityInfo are not initialized during mod-loading
-Fixed bug where GlobalItem saving hooks are called for empty item slots
-Made Wiring._currentWireColor public

-Added SaveCustomData and LoadCustomData hooks for GlobalItem
-Added client/server sync hooks for ModWorld
-Added client/server sync hooks for ModPlayer custom biomes
-Added hook for complete control over all item tooltips
-Added CanUseAbility and UseAbility hooks for ModMountData
-Added RecipeFinder and RecipeEditor for easy recipe editing
-Added hook for drawing NPC health bars
-Support for preserving unloaded mod tiles
-Name property for mod textures are now assigned
-Animations for opening/closing modded chests
-Made Main.DrawHealthBar public
-Made Terraria.Graphics.Shaders.GameShaders public
-Fixed bug where ConsumeItem is called for wrong item
-RecipeGroup bugfixes

-Fixed bug where ModGore code does not autoload
-Added support for dressers
-Fixed bug where jungle temple door can't be unlocked. again
-Fixed a ton of bugs with modded chests and dressers
-Made Wiring.DeActive and Wiring.ReActive public
-Modded maximum life now displays in character selection

-Fixed bug where certain modded NPCs disappear upon being hit on expert servers
-Fixed bug where ModProjectile extra AI is not synced between clients/server
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.1.1
-Added the ability to clone new instances of mod entities
-Fixed bug where explosives don't kill tiles on servers

-Servers now sync mods with clients that connect
-Added the ability to send custom net messages between servers/clients
-Added the ability to tamper with net messages
-Added ModifyTransformMatrix hook for drawing
-Updated to Terraria 1.3.1
-I can't tell if I'm forgetting anything.

Server Bugs:
-Fixed server sync bug with OnPickup hook for items
-Fixed server bug where chests are not synced properly
-Fixed bug where Steam servers don't work
-Hopefully fixed ItemLoader.GetAlpha crash for clients on servers
-Hopefully fixed NPCs disappearing on servers? Please?
-Fixed server bug where custom item data is not synced
-Fixed server bug where custom town NPCs do not work
Other Bugs:
-Fixed bug where bottom half of long hair does not draw
-Fixed bug where modded tiles crashed the game in early stages of world generation
-Fixed bug where Start Bag cannot contain vanilla items
-Fixed bug where Mod.GetEquipTexture always returns null
-Mods with sounds now load for people without sound cards
-Fixed NPC.CloneDefaults with buffImmune
-Fixed bug where SetMatch hook doesn't work at all
-Added the ability to build and debug mods from Visual Studio
-Improved the .tmod file format
-Added the ability to support future .tmod file format changes
-Renamed Other.dll to Mono.dll for noCompile mod-building
-Mods can now reference embedded dlls
-Added the ability to compile mods in C# 6
-Made the Mod Browser more secure
-ItemIO can now save items in general, including vanilla items
-Mods menu now displays how much stuff each mod adds
-Detect and display modder errors in LoadCustomData
-Huge performance improvements
-Changed structure of equipment update code to make it easy to create new equipment slots
-Converted some local world generation variables to static fields
-Made Player.jumpSpeed and Player.jumpHeight public
-Made a bunch of Mount fields public
-Added April Fools (sorry this was late)
Mod Loader stuff
-Added GlobalRecipe and RecipeAvailable hook for recipes
-Added gender parameter to SetMatch hook for items
-Added generic GetModX accessors for reduced redundancy
-Added OnCraft hook for recipes and items
-Added TileCountsAvailable hook for ModWorld
-Added GetMapBackgroundImage hook for ModPlayer
-Added ModifyBuffTip hook for buffs
-Added option to use constructor for cloned ModPlayers
-Added DrawEffects and CanExplode hooks for tiles
-Made code source files hidden from tModReader based on hideCode instead of hideResources

-Servers now work (so far only on Windows)
-Fixed mods with music being unable to load on Mac/Linux
-Fixed severe FPS drop when armor is equipped and visible
-Fixed bug where custom data could duplicate and corrupt .tplr
-Fixed bug where ItemInfo is not cloned by Item.Clone
-Fixed bug where "endless" ammo can get prefixes
-Fixed bug where modded chest names start out empty
-Fixed vanilla bug with DrawData.useDestinationRectangle
-Added ModWorld
-Added Initialize hook for ModPlayer and ModWorld
-Added SaveCustomData and LoadCustomData hooks for ModWorld
-Added ModifyWorldGenTasks and PostWorldGen hooks for ModWorld
-Added PostUpdate hook for ModWorld
-Added Dangersense hook for tiles
-Added hideVisual parameter to UpdateAccessory hook for items
-Added DrawBehind hook for projectiles
-Added scroll bar to mod info screen
-Added ability to search in the mod browser
-Added the ability to exclude certain files from .tmod resources
-Compiler warnings are now included in the compiler error log file

-Added ModPlayer
-Added ResetEffects and UpdateDead hooks
-Added SaveCustomData and LoadCustomData hooks
-Added SetupStartInventory hook
-Added UpdateBiomes and UpdateBiomeVisuals hooks
-Added UpdateBadLifeRegen, UpdateLifeRegen, and NaturalLifeRegen hooks
-Added PreUpdate, SetControls, PreUpdateBuffs, and PostUpdateBuffs hooks
-Added PostUpdateEquips, PostUpdateMiscEffects, PostUpdateRunSpeeds, and PostUpdate hooks
-Added FrameEffects hook
-Added PreHurt, Hurt, and PostHurt hooks
-Added PreKill and Kill hooks
-Added PreItemCheck and PostItemCheck hooks
-Added GetWeaponDamage and GetWeaponKnockback hooks
-Added ConsumeAmmo, Shoot, and MeleeEffects hooks
-Added OnHitAnything hook
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and OnHitNPC hooks
-Added CanHitNPCWithProj, ModifyHitNPCWithProj, and OnHitNPCWithProj hooks
-Added CanHitPvp, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp hooks
-Added CanHitPvpWithProj, ModifyHitPvpWithProj, and OnHitPvpWithProj hooks
-Added CanBeHitByNPC, ModifyHitByNPC, and OnHitByNPC hooks
-Added CanBeHitByProjectile, ModifyHitByProjectile, and OnHitByProjectile hooks
-Added CatchFish, GetFishingLevel, AnglerQuestReward, and GetDyeTraderReward hooks
-Added DrawEffects, ModifyDrawLayers, and ModifyDrawHeadLayers hooks

-Finished buff support
-Added GlobalBuff
-Added Update(NPC) hook
-Added ReApply hooks
-Added canBeCleared and longerExpertDebuff fields

-Revamped equipment texture system (Added EquipTexture)
-Added all vanity-related ModItem hooks to EquipTexture
-Added Clone hook for ModItem
-Added ExtractinatorUse hook
-Added AutoLightSelect hook for ModItem
-Added PostUpdate hook
-Added SetMatch hook
-Added UpdateVanity hook
-Added GetWeaponDamage and GetWeaponKnockback hooks
-Added projOnSwing field
-Added CaughtFishStack, IsQuestFish, IsAnglerQuestAvailable, and AnglerQuestChat hooks
-Added HoldoutOffset and HoldoutOrigin hooks
-Added DrawHands, ArmorDrawColor, and ArmorArmGlowMask hooks
-Added DrawBody and DrawLegs hooks
-Added support for alternate use functions (right-clicking)
-ItemLoader hooks are now called for hotkey presses and right-click-equips
-Added CloneDefaults methods for Item

-Added disableSmartCursor field and AutoSelect hook for ModTile
-Added support for torches
-Added SetDrawPositions hook for ModTile
-Added WalkDust and MouseOverFar hooks

-Added hooks for grappling hook projectiles
-Added PreDrawExtras hook for projectiles
-Added drawHeldProjInFrontOfHeldItemAndArms field for ModProjectile
-Added support for contact-damage minion projectiles
-Added CloneDefaults method for Projectile

-Added CheckActive and CheckDead hooks for NPCs
-Added DrawEffects hook for NPCs
-Added ResetEffects and UpdateLifeRegen hooks for NPCs
-Added CloneDefaults methods for NPC

-Added PostSetupContent hook for Mod
-Added MidUpdate hook for ModDust
-Added GetLoadedMods method for ModLoader
-Finished music support
-Added support for screen shaders and custom skies
-Custom saved modded item data now persists through the mod being unloaded
-Added DrawLayer and DrawInfo system for custom drawing
-Added EntityInfo system for storing information per entity
-Added the ability to manage mods published on the Mod Browser
-Added sorting buttons to the Mod Browser
-The Mod Browser now checks for tModLoader updates
-Added homepage link and description to mod files
-Added mod info buttons to Mods menu
-Made Terraria.ModLoader.IO.ItemIO public
-Made all hook calls public
-Exception messages now show inner exceptions
-Warnings are now hidden from compile error messages and logs
-Added tModLoader version information to .tmod file structure
-Probably other stuff I forgot

-Mods now unload in the reverse order they were loaded in
-ModifyHitNPC and ModifyHitByItem for NPCs can now modify damage
-Modded items lying in the world now animate at the correct speed
-The Extractinator no longer accepts every single modded item ever
-Doors no longer cause chaos on servers
-Abstract classes are no longer autoloaded
-Fixed severe vanilla-CraftGroup-related FPS drop
-Word wrap on exception messages and mod info no longer splits up words

-Proofed ModRecipe methods against modder mistakes
-Mac support
-.cs files are no longer saved as .tmod resources (woops!)
-Made mods compatible cross-platform
-Added support for building .dll files as mods
-Added Unload hook for Mod
-Revamped how minimap handles mod tiles and walls to cut down minimap's RAM usage
-Fixed bug that made .twld files larger than they had to be
-Made some private Projectile fields public
-Fixed bug where Jungle Temple door cannot be unlocked
-Fixed bug with sign GUI
-Fixed bug where cloud saves are not separate from vanilla cloud saves
-Added mod browser - an easy way to upload / download mods
-Basic buff support
-Added support for platform-like tiles
-Fixed bug where miscellaneous custom sounds don't work
-Improved saving for mannequins and item frames with modded items
-Gave ModDusts their own types
-Added hooks for vanity effects for armor sets
-Linux support
-Made a fancy installer
-Partial music support
-Added "Open Mods Folder" button to Mods menu
-Added support for animating vanilla tiles

-Added support for using vanilla textures
-Two mods can no longer share the same internal name
-Mods must now share names with the folder that contains their content
-Added a default mod that will always be enabled
-Loading mods now completely refreshes recipe list
-Added support for storing items whose mods are unloaded
-Added support for custom NPC banners
-Added support for singleplayer chat + ChatInput hook
-Added support for custom sounds
-Improved system for gores
-Added partial support for mounts
-Added support for miscellaneous file resources in .tmod files
-Added CanTownNPCSpawn and CheckConditions hooks for NPCs
-Added TownNPCName and GetChat hooks for NPCs
-Added SetChatButtons and OnChatButtonclicked hook for NPCs
-Added SetupShop and SetupTravelShop hooks for NPCs
-Fixed bug where locked Jungle Temple door can be opened
-Added BuffTownNPC hook
-Added TownNPCAttackStrength, TownNPCAttackCooldown, TownNPCAttackProj, TownNPCAttackProjSpeed hooks for NPCs
-Added TownNPCAttackShoot, TownNPCAttackMagic, and TownNPCAttackSwing hooks for NPCs
-Added DrawTownAttackGun and DrawTownAttackSwing hooks for NPCs

-Added ScaleExpertStats hook for NPCs
-Added PreAI, AI, PostAI, SendExtraAI, and ReceiveExtraAI hooks for projectiles and NPCs
-Added FindFrame and HitEffect hooks for NPCs
-Added aiType field for ModProjectile and ModNPC + animationType field for ModNPC
-Added support for gores
-Added TileCollideStyle, OnTileCollide, PreKill, and Kill hooks for projectiles
-Added PreNPCLoot and NPCLoot hooks for NPCs
-Added BossLoot hook and bossBag field for NPCs
-Made it easier to customize vanilla NPC loot
-Added CanHitNPC and CanHitPvp hooks for items
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and ModifyHitNPC hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPvp, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPlayer, ModifyHitPlayer, and OnHitPlayer hooks for projectiles
-Added CanHitPlayer, ModifyHitPlayer, and OnHitPlayer hooks for NPCs
-Added CanHitNPC, ModifyHitNPC, and OnHitNPC hooks for NPCs
-Added CanBeHitByPlayer, ModifyHitByPlayer, and OnHitByPlayer hooks for NPCs
-Added CanBeHitByProjectile, ModifyHitByProjectile, and OnHitByProjectile hooks for NPCs
-Added Colliding hook for projectiles and StrikeNPC hook for NPCs
-Added support for NPC map icons
-Added BossHeadSlot, BossHeadRotation, and BossHeadSpriteEffects hooks for NPCs
-Added support for NPC music
-Added GetAlpha, drawOffset, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for projectiles
-Added GetAlpha, PreDraw, drawOffsetY, and PostDraw hooks for NPCs
-Added EditSpawnRate, EditSpawnRange, CanSpawn, EditSpawnPool, and SpawnNPC hooks for NPCs
-Added OpenBossBag hook for items
-Added NearbyEffects hook for tiles
-Code is now optimized by compiler
-Deleting players and worlds will now also delete the associated .tplr and .twld files
-Fixed bug where stackable mod items (ie ammo) can have prefixes
-Fixed bug where vanilla NPC display names are wrong
-Fixed bug where open modded doors invalidate houses
-Removed a log write I accidentally left in
-Possibly other stuff I've forgotten

-Updated to Terraria
-Modded world and player data now saves in separate .tplr and .twld files
-Added tModLoader version to main menu

-Added support for theoretically infinite recipes
-Improved error-handling

-Added support for crafting groups
-Added PreOpenVanillaBag and OpenVanillaBag hooks for GlobalItem
-Gave tModLoader exe an (uncreative) icon
-Fixed bug where multi-tile subtiles and alternates are not checked
-Fixed bug where Main.tileValue doesn't work for modded tiles
-Added CanKillTile hook for tiles
-Added support for doors, chests, and beds
-Fixed assembly resolve for dll and mod references
-Added GrabRange, GrabStyle, and OnPickup hooks for items
-Bugfixed custom projectiles and NPCs

-Finally fixed bug where "Build + Reload" wouldn't unload mods
-Hopefully fixed dll reference system
-Autoloading now occurs before manual loading
-Added README to installation

-Added support for multiple global entities per mod
-Added support for autoloading global entities
-Added support for autoloading multiple EquipTypes per item
-Fixed bug where AddTooltip duplicates tooltips
-Improved dll reference system
-Fixed bug where missing equipment textures crashes the game
-Made WorldGen class public
-Added support for walls
--Added support for wall kill sounds, dust, drops, and kill-related hooks
--Added support for wall map colors and names, and related hooks
--Added ModifyLight and RandomUpdate hooks for walls
--Added AnimateWall, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for walls
-Added MouseOver and Slope hooks for tiles
-Added support for very basic projectiles and NPCs (Untested)

-Added build properties to specify display and dependency stuff
--Mod author and version are now build properties
--Added support for mod and dll dependencies
-Modified WorldFile.ValidateWorld so worlds containing modded stuff can load
-Added support for custom tiles (ModTile and GlobalTile)
--Added support for tile kill sounds, dust, drops, and kill-related hooks
--Added support for custom TileObjectData and multi-tile blocks
--Added ModifyLight, SetSpriteEffects, AnimateTile, PreDraw, and PostDraw hooks for tiles
--Added support for tile map colors and names, and related hooks
--Added RandomUpdate and TileFrame hooks for tiles
--Added mineResistance and minPick fields for ModTile
--Added CanPlace and AdjTiles hooks for tiles
--Added RightClick and HitWire hooks for tiles
-Added ConsumeItem hook for ModRecipe
-Added PreDrawInInventory and PostDrawInInventory hooks for items
-Fixed bug with removing custom armor from mannequins
-Improved error-handling for missing textures
-Safeproofed installation process

-Removed some log writes that I accidentally left in
-Fixed bug with custom item data saving

-Mods now build as a single file that includes image resources
-Added support for automatically loading items, etc.
-Updated to Terraria
-Added ModItem.AddRecipes hook
-Added support for custom dust through ModDust
-Added CanEquipAccessory hook for items
-Added GlobalNPC with PreNPCLoot and NPCLoot hooks since everyone wants that
-Added ModItem.SaveCustomData and ModItem.LoadCustomData hooks
-Made tooltips easier to add

-Mods that crash the game while loading are now auto-disabled
-Mods are now auto-enabled when they are built
-Added a button to the Mod Sources menu to open the Mod Sources folder
-In-game error messages now appear when the game would have crashed and when a build fails
-Item display names can now be separated from internal names in the SetDefault hook
-Added a ton of hooks for ModItem and GlobalItem
--CanUseItem, UseStyle, UseItemFrame, UseItem, and ConsumeItem
--HoldStyle, HoldItem, and HoldItemFrame
--Shoot, ConsumeAmmo, UseItemHitbox, and MeleeEffects
--ModifyHitNPC, OnHitNPC, ModifyHitPvp, and OnHitPvp
--UpdateInventory, UpdateEquip, UpdateAccessory, IsArmorSet, and UpdateArmorSet
--CanRightClick, RightClick, and Update
--VerticalWingSpeeds and HorizontalWingSpeeds
--GetAnimation (ModItem only), GetAlpha, PreDrawInWorld, and PostDrawInWorld
-Added support for armors and accessories
-Fixed decompile bug that caused minimaps to not save
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.6

-Fixed missing .dll bug when building mods
-Split ModLoader class into ModLoader and ItemLoader
-Slightly changed the way modded items are saved
-Updated to Terraria v1.3.0.5
-Added support for prefixes for modded items
-Vastly improved the GUI for building and loading mods
--Menu shows status of loading and building mods
--Added menus that show lists of mods and mod sources
--Added the ability to enable and disable mods
--Added the ability to build mods individually
-Added GlobalItem

-Support for mods, recipes, and basic items